Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Q: What is the story of Porter's long, uncut hair and beard?

After spending nine months in a Missouri jail for a crime he did not commit (the shooting of former Gov. Lilburn Boggs), Porter made his way to Nauvoo. He "crashed" Joseph Smith's Christmas party at the Mansion House. No one recognized him. The guards couldn't throw him out so, the Prophet tried to and finally recognized him.
He then asked Porter to tell the story of his capture, imprisonment, and escape to Nauvoo. After the story telling, the Prophet gave Porter a blessing, promising that as long as he was true to his covenants, his God, the Church, and his people "no bullet or blade" would ever kill him. That meant than no man could kill him. As a token of the blessing he was never to cut his hair nor his beard. He was also given the power of healing.
-John W. Rockwell

Monday, April 26, 2010

Q: Was Porter a polygamist?

Porter never was a polygamist. He had three wives. His first wife was Luana Bebee who divorced him in Nauvoo. His second wife was Mary Ann Neff (the one I descend through) died in childbirth. His last wife was Christine Olsen and she outlived him.
-John W. Rockwell

Friday, April 23, 2010

Porter Rockwell on YouTube ...

Check out clip from new DVD - Stories from the Life of Porter Rockwell.

Q: What is the biggest misconception about Porter Rockwell?

We have allowed Rockwell's antagonists to define him as "Brigham's Destroying Angel," "Chief of the Danites," and "Lord High Executioner of the Church" in their attempt to discredit the Church. None of these titles is an accurate portrait of Rockwell. He was a defender of his Church and its people during a time when the Church's enemies were willing to "exterminate" and destroy those whom he protected. Yet he was a religious man, a family man, a rancher, and businessman. His friends were both Mormon and Gentile and he defended both!
-John Rockwell, Great-Great Grandson of Porter Rockwell

Porter Rockwell Questions Answered ...

Porter Rockwell has been called a saint and a sinner, a lawman and a criminal, a hero and a villain. A friend of Joseph Smith's since childhood and later his bodyguard, Rockwell saved the life of the Prophet more than once.
Many people have speculated and questioned the life of this controversial man — this blog will help answer some of those questions.
-Responses given by John W. Rockwell, Porter's great-great grandson.